Select the right solution for your location!
Kiilto Oy is a professional in the chemistry of sealants and adhesives. Our products are tested and reliable. Kiilto’s range of adhesives and sealants includes solutions for the most challenging sealing needs, and alternatives for various types of adhesion. Our technical advice staff will tell you more about the features of our sealants and confirm whether they are suitable for your location.
Examples of adhesive sealants:
Kiilto N10 Liimamassa – M1 emission classification
Kiilto R Marine Liimamassa – M1 emission classification
Our product selection now includes the super-strong N10 for construction, and R Marine for demanding building site applications.
Click here to view our product comparisons and details on adhesive sealants
See also:
Kiilto Silicone Silikonimassa – M1 emission classification
Whole wet rooms can now be designed to fulfill the M1 classification! The first silicone adhesive sealant to be granted M1 emission classification. Demand higher quality indoor air in wet rooms too!